Ways to boost energy

An active man running a trail through the mountains with the text Best Ways to Boost Energy overlayed on top

As we continue in our series for National Men’s Health Month, we’re going to dive into ways to boost energy. Boosting energy is a constant, ongoing goal for active males, particularly as they prepare for or engage in exercise or other physical activity. Increasing energy can also be a primary goal for men who are getting older or who feel like they don’t have the necessary endurance to get through super-busy days on the job. In fact, a new study found that 46% of men would prefer more energy over more sex or sleep!

In this week’s article, we’ll clue you in on some proven ways to increase energy naturally, as well as including our tips for boosting energy using targeted supplementation.

Natural ways to boost energy

In addition to the consumption of natural sources of caffeine or other methylxanthines such as green tea or coffee bean extracts (see below for more on that), there are other methods you can try to naturally boost your energy levels. Here are some of the primary natural energy-boosting strategies, quick energy fixes, and tools.


It may seem a little contradictory that one effective way to get more energy to exercise is… to exercise. However, studies have shown that people who exercise regularly feel more energized and have more ability to perform necessary tasks. The Mayo Clinic points out, “Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise sends oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.”

Get enough sleep

It’s widely known that lack of quality sleep can have a detrimental impact on your energy levels. One study says, “Sleep loss appears to affect the capacity for performance and access to energetic resources…. Sleep serves an important function in energy balance by reducing daily energy demands and conserving energy stores.” If you’re feeling particularly run-down, even a quick 20-minute nap can re-energize you for a few hours. Sleep is extremely important, so make sure you make it a priority.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Eating a clean, balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats is known to promote general health and also to increase energy. WebMD says, “The best energizing foods are those that are rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting substances. Put these foods together along with small amounts of healthy fats for a balanced diet that is sure to provide you energy all day long.”

Go outside

Spending some time outside every day, particularly in a natural or forested environment, has multiple benefits, including boosting your energy. Studies show spending time outside improves sleep, mental health, and physical wellness, all of which can have an additional impact on energy levels.

Listen to music

You may have noticed people listening to their favorite “pump me up” music at the gym or when exercising outdoors. The National Alliance on Mental Illness says, “Many bodies of research support the healing effects of music. Our favorite melodies release dopamine, known as the feel-good hormone, which activates our brain’s pleasure and reward system. Music can have a positive, immediate impact on our mental state; fast tempos can psychologically and physiologically arouse us, helping energize us for the day.”


Taking a few minutes (or more) each day to pray or meditate can have beneficial impacts on not just mental health but also overall energy levels. The EOC Institute says meditation is beneficial for increasing energy: “Meditation boosts two critical chemicals: Growth Hormone (GH) & DHEA. If you want more energy, then boosting these two critical chemicals will do the trick.” One study showed that even short-term focused-attention meditation (FAM) produced demonstrated improvements in brain energy metabolism.

Energy-boosting vitamins and supplements

If you’re still looking for an energy boost and the approaches above aren’t adequate for your needs, consider using quality supplements to increase your energy levels. Here are some of the most widely studied energy-enhancing supplements.

B vitamins

Vitamin B12 is most commonly known as an “energy vitamin,” but in fact all the B vitamins can give you an energy boost. CNET says,  “The eight B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, biotin, folate and B12) provide the most energy, as they aid in cell metabolism, help the body transform carbohydrates and fats into energy and carry energy-nutrients around the body.” However, don’t expect a jolt of energy immediately, even from B12. “Taking a B12 supplement or any vitamin B supplement will not give you energy right away like a cup of coffee. Instead, it could take a few weeks of taking B12 regularly before you notice an increase.” Still, keeping your body well-stocked with a healthy amount of B vitamins (as well as vitamin C, vitamin D, and all the other recommended nutrients and vitamins) can contribute to overall health and improve your well-being… which is a good thing.

Caffeine and other methylxanthines

If you want to boost energy quickly and noticeably, methylxanthines are widely studied and shown to be effective. A famous caffeine study on Navy SEALs demonstrated that the administration of “Caffeine (200 and 300 mg) significantly improved visual vigilance, choice reaction time, repeated acquisition, self-reported fatigue and sleepiness with the greatest effects on tests of vigilance, reaction time, and alertness.”

Other studies on endurance runners showed that “caffeine intake showed a meaningful ergogenic [performance-enhancing] effect in increasing the time to exhaustion in running trials and improving performance in running time trials. Hence, caffeine may have utility as an ergogenic aid for endurance running events.” Caffeine has also been shown to improve performance in cycling time trial events.

Healthline points out that, unlike many other supplements and substances, caffeine can affect diverse types of cells throughout your body, including muscle and fat cells, as well as cells within your central nervous system. Caffeine “activates areas of your brain and nervous system to improve focus and energy while reducing tiredness. Caffeine “increases circulating epinephrine (adrenaline), the hormone responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response, which can increase performance.” Caffeine is considered to “increase your body’s ability to burn fat via lipolysis, or the breakdown of fat in fat cells.” Caffeine can impact beta-endorphins, and “can increase feelings of wellness and give you the exercise ‘high’ that people often experience after working out. Caffeine “may improve muscle performance through activation of the central nervous system.” Caffeine “has been shown to increase thermogenesis, or heat production, which raises your body temperature and may help you burn more calories. And caffeine “may also spare muscle carb stores, primarily due to increased fat burning. This can enhance endurance performance.”

Methylxanthines’ benefits may even extend beyond the beach, gym, or race course. One study on the effects of caffeine and other methylxanthines on the regulation of neurodegenerative disease says, “methylxanthines are widely consumed and have a broad scope of application in diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases like AD [Alzheimer’s disease], Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and multiple sclerosis.” Methylxanthines are also commonly used for and are being studied for preventing apnea in preterm infants.

In short, methylxanthines like caffeine are one of the most widely studied (and widely consumed) energy-enhancing substances, with multiple demonstrated positive impacts on exercise performance. A well-thought-out pre-workout supplement such as Novex Biotech’s PRE-7 can be an effective addition to your training regimen. PRE-7 is clinically dosed to maximize performance, amplify vascular pump, boost energy and VO2 max, increase strength and endurance training, and reduce muscle cramping from electrolyte loss.

Be sure to stick with us for next week’s article, where we learn about the impact and benefits of Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

A tub of delicious fruit punch flavor PRE-7 on a black background dusted with a scoop of Pre-7